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Footage from wild bonobo behaviour in Wamba, Democratic Republic of Congo. Clips focus on play behaviour, including play that took place between members of different bonobo groups during extensive inter-group encounters. Taken by Isabel Behncke, University of Oxford. Wamba field site is directed by Takeshi Furuichi from Kyoto University. For more information please contact me.
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I have researched bonobos at Wamba, Luo Scientific Reserve, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Bonobos and Chimpanzees are the closest living relatives of humans. Compared to chimpanzees, bonobo society is considered to be peaceful. I would like to introduce my research on bonobos in Africa. If you have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to contact me on Twitter and Instagram. 【Schedule of Uploading】 Our contents are uploaded every Tuesday and Saturday at 21:00 Japanese time. Members-only videos are uploaded once in two weeks on Sunday. 【Details of Memberships】 Before joining memberships, please read descriptions about memberships on my Community tabs. 【Research team website】 ・Webpage about our conservation activities for bonobos at Wamba area. ・Donate now to our activities! 【Operated by Platoo】 This channel is operated by "Platoo".
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Much of the information about osteoarthritis in the world is incorrect. By getting correct information about hip pain, progression of symptoms in the future, and 80-90% of patients can be cured without surgery. Here are some of the secrets. Most, but not all, hip pain can be improved without surgery! Surgery is a last resort, and after surgery, of course, you will not be able to return to your original bone. Before deciding on surgery, conservative treatment is strongly recommended. In other countries, this is the mainstream, and Japan is being left behind. Do not perform muscle training when there is pain in the leg. What you should do at this time is to relax the muscles with massage and stretching. Stiff muscles become even stiffer when muscle training is done, causing severe blood flow problems and exacerbating the pain. Rest is the first priority when pain is present. Osteoarthritis is not progressive. The progression always stops at some point. Please rest assured!
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竹中大工道具館は、日本で唯一の大工道具の博物館として1984年、神戸市中山手に開館。以来、大工道具を民族遺産として収集・保存し、研究や展示を通じて後世に伝えていくことを目的に活動を続けてきました。そして2014年秋、新神戸駅近くの竹中工務店ゆかりの地へと移転して、新たな一歩を踏み出しました。大工道具には、日本人ならではの美意識や心遣いが秘められています。ものづくりの国に生きる楽しさ、素晴らしさ。新しい気づきに満ちた道具との出会いの場となり、伝統のものづくりに新たな刺激を与えるような存在でありたいと考えます。 The dougukan[Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum]was opened in 1984 in Nakayamate, Kobe, as the only museum of carpentry tools in Japan, with the objective to collect and conserve carpentry tools as a cultural heritage, and to pass them on to the next generation through research and exhibitions. And In autumn 2014, the museum embarked on a new chapter, relocating to a location near Shin-Kobe Station. Carpentry tools contain within them the characteristic aesthetic sensibilities and attention to detail of the Japanese people. We aim to be a place for coming into contact with tools to make new discoveries, and for providing new stimuli to the traditional way of making things.
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ニュースでは報じられない世界の話、未来の話、ここだけの話をお届けするJCUインサイトのほか、 アメリカ保守派の祭典CPAC、その日本版CPAC JAPAN関連のコンテンツを提供する、CPAC JAPANチャンネルです。 JCUインサイトでは、大統領選挙の最新レポート、アメリカ政治のこぼれ話、時事ニュース解説など多彩な話題をご提供! また、アメリカ最大級の政治イベントCPACでは、トランプ大統領・ペンス副大統領ら閣僚と同じステージに上がる、 JCUあえば議長のスピーチについても毎年アップロード! その他、CPAC JAPAN/JCUが開催する様々なイベント情報等を随時発信しております。 なお、一般社団法人JCUではネットワークパートナー(会員)を募集中です!会員限定イベントへのご招待やアメリカ要人来日の際にはイベントを優先的にご案内など特典が盛り沢山!! ↓↓会員登録はこちら↓↓ ◆一般社団法人JCU(The Japanese Conservative Union)について 小さな政府と減税というアメリカの保守と数千年の歴史を有する日本の保守をベースに“新しい保守”を打ち立てる社団法人として2015年に設立されました。アジアにおける保守の連帯を目指して、日本最大のポリティカルカンファレンスJ-CPACを毎年開催しています。また日本各地の保守の皆様と連携しセミナー開催、アメリカ保守派で話題の書籍の翻訳・編集などを通じて日米の懸け橋を目指します。アメリカ共和党最大の支持母体The American Conservative Union (ACU) と提携しています。 議 長:あえば浩明(元・米国共和党全国委員会アジア担当顧問) 創設者:江口峻(産経新聞相談役)
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Hi everyone, my name is Davide, I have been living in Japan for over 12 years. I came to Japan as a language student with a student visa. And after about a year I started a business called Go! Go! Nihon to help people to live and study in Japan. I'm starting this YouTube channel because we are facing the hardest time for international students in Japan, especially for those who have been waiting to enter Japan for months, or even over a year. It's fundamental for Japan to understand that international students are a key resource for the country, the economy, the future. And it's very important that the Japanese government gives us a plan for how and when to enter Japan. I cannot move mountains. I cannot change the rules in one day, but I feel that bringing this voice out and get as share relevant information is very important at this stage. And you know, sometimes if you send a petition, or you send a letter together with hundred people is much better than one person does.