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We always wanted to do regular exercises but most of the time, we don't feel like doing it. Tin and I perform exercises only whenever we feel heaviness in our movements like feeling sick or lazy. Also every time we notice or somebody else notice the protruding of our stomach, we immediately work it out for consecutive days to weeks until it flatten a bit, and then stop. These cycle goes on and on. But now, aggravated by boredom due to community quarantine and lock downs, we perform workout videos and have them uploaded here. It really motivates us to do more whenever we got increase of views and subscribers each day! In addition, this channel serves as our virtual friend where we tell stories of anything that we do, whether about work, life experiences, family and even our personal opinion on everything. So, if you would like to know more about us, or want to make friends with us, just subscribe to this channel or reach us through our Facebook and Instagram accounts. See yah!
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Hi Prend! This channel is made to give values to people. If you have enquiry for collab, promotion, sponsorship, offers and questions, you can send me a message directly to my FACEBOOK PAGE: Coach Ram David See you there! #Fitness #Workouts #Inspiration #gym & #Fun