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The Game Doctor will see you now! Bored while hanging out with your friends? Hosting a game night and can't think of any fun games? Not sure about the rules to a particular game? Look no further than The Game Doctor, here to prescribe just the right remedy for your problems. This channel is here to provide you, the viewer, with qualified expertise on games in an entertaining and comedic video format. Learn all sorts of games for hours of entertainment or find new ways to spice up games you've known for years. Follow the Game Doctor, Hellooooo Nurse, Scrub, and other oddballs on a journey of game discovery! If you enjoy what you see, subscribe to the channel for your weekly doses of Game Doctor knowledge! For questions or suggestions email:
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Dr. Nikita welcomes you to the channel! As a child, I was diagnosed with obesity and at the age of 14 doctors lowered my cholesterol with pills. I've tried everything the weight loss industry has to offer, from amateur sports to the toughest diets. I even received a higher medical education. This direction allowed to learn a lot, but it turned out to be little. I got involved in scientific research and began to test everything on myself. It took about 10 years to understand: weight loss techniques do not give long-term results. This fact taught me to think differently. As a result, I managed to lose more than 30 kg of excess weight and maintain the progress made. But exhaustion of weight loss process does not spare health. For 10+ years being delusional about weight loss I have lost not only weight, but also the most part of health. Therefore, my journey continues as a patient restoring his health and as a doctor treating patients who have fallen into a similar history.
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Hello! This is a channel with recipes for the health of a person living in an unhealthy 🌍 world and methods of maintaining it at any 🧙♂️ age with the help of alternative medicine. The result of recovery is achieved by unusual but proper nutrition, hard work and active rest. Every tip, recipe or technique has been personally tested by the author of the channel. 💥All information and practical advice regarding your health and treatment of diseases are offered for informational purposes only. Before using or using materials for personal purposes, you should consult your doctor!
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Channel "World of Health" talks about the recipes of traditional medicine for those who want to know about the psychology of health, how to maintain health by the methods of traditional medicine, on the relationship of nutrition and health, and how to lose weight without harm to health of the methods and programs of traditional medicine, as well as on methods of enhancing the immune system and cleanse the body with the help of traditional medicine. Site e-mail skype aleks-pavel54 Phone +7 929 820 28 85
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Lavendel world of Dr. Ulviya Goldenbroek Dr. Ulviya Goldenbroek have 33 years of experience in integrative medicine. She is the author of many off line and online courses, such as Hydrolatotherapy, Aromatherapy (clinical, sacral enz.), Orthomolecular medicine, Psychotherapy, East medicine She believes deeply in Docere and loves to teach. Dr. Ulviya is an international speaker, courses leader, published researcher in integratieve medicine and contributing author. Ulviya Goldenbroek, online courses, aromatherapy, hydrolaten, nutrients, vitamins, minerals, published researcher in integratieve medicine, professional speaker, women’s health,YouTube channel, youtube Ulviya Goldenbroek, integrative approaches and healing.
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Roman Buzunov - doctor somnologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, Head of Sleep Center at the Rehabilitation Clinic in Khamovniki (Moscow). ✅ Leading Russian expert in the treatment of insomnia, stress, snoring and sleep apnea ✅ Author of the program of cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia, which allows to cure chronic insomnia in 6 weeks without sleeping pills. ✅ Author of the book "How to beat insomnia. Healthy sleep in 6 weeks." Bestseller 2020, 2021 according to, ✅ 30 years of work at the "Kremlin medicine" system. Experience in the treatment of senior officials of the Russian Federation, major businessmen, scientists and public figures. 📚Book "Stress and insomnia: how to break the vicious circle": Consultations: - In Moscow, by phone: +7 (495) 77-33-195 - Online by phone/WhatsApp: +7 (936) 555-03-03 (worldwide)
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Born and raised in Haiti! My channel is all about health, fitness. As a black woman I am hoping to inspired all women especially black women to take care of themselves. Working out, and eating healthy as help me be a better mother of three daughters. I want to take you on my journey and get fit together. My channel is to inspire men and women of all ages of a better life and fitness.
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"Stop Stroke Academy" is a social project of Professor Evgeny Shirokov, the purpose of which is to create a modern information resource on the problems of cardiovascular diseases, prevention and treatment of stroke for doctors, patients, their relatives and anyone interested in maintaining their health. The main sections of the channel are: "Basic course of vascular neurology" for neurologists, cardiologists and therapists, section "Educational program" for popularization of medical knowledge, "Analysis of publications". Professor Shirokov Evgeny Alekseevich devoted more than 40 years to studying the problems of diseases of the cardiovascular system, a well-deserved Doctor of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the European Academy of Natural Sciences, MD, author of 15 monographs and 200 scientific articles, one of the founders of cardioneurology.
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Channel Doctor Mamontov, a channel of an experienced practitioner of a traumatologist and orthopedist with forty years of experience, MD, for people of any age who have problems with joints, spine, bones, ligaments, muscles, feet, posture. A channel on how to properly treat diseases of bones and joints, the nervous system, if they have already developed, how to prevent these diseases, when surgical treatment is needed, and when simple, effective, non-surgical methods or a simple lifestyle change are enough. All tips and tricks are based on the vast personal experience of the doctor and scientist. Every week a new video lecture, video lesson. All video lessons are educational and advisory in nature, there are contraindications for the performance of certain exercises. A doctor's consultation is required. Appointment for a consultation with Victor Dmitrievich Mamontov, tel. +7 931-271-03-03
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Borderline Personality Disorder DSM IV Criteria A pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following: 1. frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment. Note: Do not include suicidal or self-mutilating behavior covered in Criterion 5. 2. a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation. 3. identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self. 4. impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating). Note: Do not include suicidal or self-mutilating behavior covered in Criterion 5. 5. recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior 6. affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days). 7. chronic feelings of emptiness 8. inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights) 9. transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms Current Proposal from DSM Task Force The work group (of is recommending that this disorder be reformulated as the "Borderline Type." "Individuals who match this personality disorder type have an extremely fragile self-concept that is easily disrupted and fragmented under stress and results in the experience of a lack of identity or chronic feelings of emptiness. As a result, they have an impoverished and/or unstable self structure and difficulty maintaining enduring intimate relationships. Self-appraisal is often associated with self-loathing, rage, and despondency. Individuals with this disorder experience rapidly changing, intense, unpredictable, and reactive emotions and can become extremely anxious or depressed. They may also become angry or hostile, and feel misunderstood, mistreated, or victimized. They may engage in verbal or physical acts of aggression when angry. Emotional reactions are typically in response to negative interpersonal event
Utilizamos un sistema automatizado avanzado para recopilar perfiles de influencers en YouTube, supervisando regularmente la base de datos de YouTube. Nuestro sistema identifica los perfiles de influencers de YouTube ubicados en Rusia dentro del nicho de salud basándose en los siguientes criterios clave:
Relevancia para salud: Nuestro sistema analiza el nombre de usuario, la biografía y las publicaciones de cada influencer para confirmar que su contenido está relacionado con el nicho de salud.
Verificación de ubicación: Nuestro sistema verifica si los perfiles incluyen nombres de ciudades o países. Cuando es necesario, analizamos banderas, publicaciones localizadas y datos en la biografía para confirmar la ubicación del influencer en Rusia.
Solo perfiles públicos: Excluimos perfiles privados, incluso si están ubicados en Rusia y publican contenido relacionado con salud. Nuestro sistema solo extrae perfiles públicos de influencers.
Número suficiente de publicaciones: Nuestro sistema selecciona cuentas de influencers que tienen un historial consistente de publicaciones, lo que demuestra que el influencer está activo y comprometido con su contenido.
Cantidad mínima de seguidores: Nuestro sistema prioriza a los influencers de salud en Rusia que tienen un mínimo de 5,000 seguidores.
Analizando estas métricas clave, nuestro sistema identifica automáticamente a los influencers de salud ubicados en Rusia, extrae los datos y los añade a nuestra base de datos. Luego, la información es procesada, verificada y clasificada para garantizar su precisión y relevancia.
Heepsy utiliza un algoritmo impulsado por IA para identificar a los influencers más relevantes de salud en YouTube en Rusia.
Identificación de la ubicación del influencer en Rusia:
Información de ubicación en el perfil: Primero, verificamos si el perfil del influencer menciona explícitamente una ciudad o país. Si el perfil incluye ciertas ciudades específicas de Rusia, u otras referencias a Rusia, marcamos automáticamente el perfil como ubicado en Rusia.
Análisis de biografía y contenido: Si no se menciona una ubicación explícita, nuestro sistema escanea la biografía del influencer en busca de referencias a Rusia, como símbolos culturales, idioma utilizado en Rusia o hashtags específicos que indiquen su conexión con Rusia.
Uso de banderas y emblemas: Cuando un influencer no menciona una ciudad o región específica, buscamos banderas en su biografía que indiquen Rusia, así como otros símbolos que sugieran su origen en Rusia.
Contenido localizado: Analizamos el contenido del influencer en busca de publicaciones que muestren monumentos, eventos o referencias culturales locales de Rusia. Esto nos ayuda a identificar su ubicación y su audiencia objetivo dentro de Rusia.
Identificación de la relevancia para salud:
Identificación de términos clave: Comenzamos buscando términos específicos relacionados con salud, como 'salud' u otros términos del sector en el perfil del influencer (incluyendo su nombre, biografía y publicaciones).
Expansión con sinónimos y variaciones: Nuestro algoritmo reconoce términos relacionados dentro de la industria y otras especializaciones de salud. También consideramos variaciones para garantizar una visión integral de la experiencia del influencer.
Detección multilingüe: Para asegurar un alcance global, utilizamos un transformador de oraciones multilingüe basado en IA para detectar influencers en diferentes idiomas, evitando perder voces valiosas de salud en todo el mundo.
Asignación de puntajes de relevancia: A cada perfil de influencer se le asigna un puntaje basado en su relevancia para la categoría de salud. Cuanto mayor sea el puntaje, más alineado estará el perfil con las necesidades de tu campaña.
Priorización de los principales influencers: En nuestras recomendaciones, priorizamos a los influencers con los puntajes de relevancia más altos. Esto nos ayuda a garantizar que los perfiles sugeridos sean los más adecuados para tu estrategia de marketing.
Durante el proceso de identificación de ubicación, asignamos un puntaje a cada perfil de influencer en YouTube que refleja su relevancia para salud y Rusia.
Luego utilizamos estos puntajes para clasificar los perfiles en nuestras listas. Los influencers con mayores puntajes de relevancia en ambas categorías – salud y su conexión con Rusia – aparecen en los primeros lugares de los resultados.
Como resultado, cuando buscas influencers de salud en YouTube en Rusia en nuestra base de datos, los perfiles más relevantes aparecen primero. Esto facilita encontrar la mejor opción para tu proyecto.
Actualizamos nuestra base de datos mensualmente para garantizar que tengas acceso a los influencers más actuales y relevantes de salud en YouTube en Rusia. Los perfiles listados reflejan los datos más recientes de marzo 2025.
Nuestro sistema automatizado supervisa continuamente YouTube, rastreando cambios en el número de seguidores, niveles de interacción y actividad de contenido de los influencers de salud en Rusia. Esto garantiza que nuestra base de datos se mantenga precisa y relevante, ayudándote a encontrar los mejores influencers de salud en YouTube en Rusia para tus campañas en cualquier momento.