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Welcome to the channel of The Fit Boss. My name is Jordan Grahm and I am a NASM certified personal trainer. I was once morbidly obese and weighed over 420lbs, now after working hard to change my life and lose weight I am committed to help others get in the best shape of their lives. I will be posting videos of workouts, fitness tips, healthy recipes, motivation, and all sorts of information that will help you reach your fitness goals. Follow me on twitter @TheFitBoss and check out my website
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GuitaNai is made up of four highly talented members from Jordan and Syria Their music has a particular Rumba Flamenco style, with Arabic pop influences; many songs of GuitaNai fit social dances, such as Salsa and Rumba and Arabic baldi .
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A Jordanian fitness expert, a news anchor , a business manager , and a tv presenter. Certified in ZUMBA , and the first certified jordanian zumba expert. Also certified in jumping fitness, health and nutrition, brazillian butt lift , and a lot more. The Creator of BikiniBootCamp in Jordan , helping you to get the body and the booty you have always dreamed of. ربيكا عودة، اخصائية لياقة بدنية، مذيعة اخبار ، مديرة اعمال و مقدمة تلفاز مؤسسة فكرة bikini boot camp في الاردن , و اول مدربة رقص رياضي في الاردن.
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~ Our heartfelt wish Spreading the word about Matthew Jordan's music is our channel's goal. We want to gather friends, fans and supporters of MJ. ~ Important hint Matthew does not run this channel, although it might be that sometimes he sends messages to his followers. ~ How can you help out? Every bit of support means a lot to us and Matthew highly appreciates it. Always welcome: "like", "favorite", comment on his videos and/or share it with your friends. ~ The Matthew Jordan Street Team ~
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Christina Jordan is a Board Certified Master Nutritionist at Fit Body Weight Loss. She personally lost 134 pounds and reversed Type 2 Diabetes, thyroid issues and autoimmune issues with healthy eating and lifestyle. Christina specializes in helping women and men walk in wellness, lose weight in a safe and healthy way and transform their lives. As a mother of three sons and former Mrs. USA Elite Global Earth, Christina is also an award winning author and motivational speaker with a powerful voice of encouragement. She loves empowering people, especially women, to live their best lives! To get started on her healthy, nutrition based programs or for more information please visit the Fit Body website at: or call 844-537-2408. Facebook:
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You and I are going to drink a lot of coffee together. Like, borderline dangerous amounts of coffee. So pour yourself a mug and I’ll introduce myself real quick. My name’s Jordan — but everyone calls me “J” — and I’m a 27th degree black belt in chugging coffee. I’m also a strength & nutrition coach, I hold several powerlifting world records, and I’ve been fortunate enough to have my writing featured in a variety of outlets like CNN, the Huffington Post, and But listen. This channel isn’t for fame, publicity, cash, props, fist bumps, likes, pings, pows or whatever else there is. It’s a place where you and I can chat. I’ll never sugar coat, lie, or beat around the bush. I’ll tell you everything exactly as I see it. Some stuff you might like. Others you might not. And that’s totally cool. Either way, my goal here is to create a discussion. Where you and I can hang out, exchange ideas, & motivate each other every day. Any questions? Let me know! -J
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We all want to be healthy and enjoy a vibrant lifestyle, the problem is there are too many short-term fads that make it really hard to understand how to keep control of your weight. As a Master Practitioner in Eating Disorders and Obesity, and a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, I have the research-backed approach to help you get the results you desire. In my ''One Minute Can Change Your Life''video series,I simplify the idea of getting healthier in easy and practical steps. The beginning is always now--stop waiting.
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هناك نقص كبير و حاد في المحتوى العربي و الذي يسلط الضوء على أسلوب الحياة الصحي و حتى الخيارات المطروحة للرجال خاصة و النساء بشكل عام من ناحية الأناقة و طريقة التعامل مع المجتمع. المعرفة حق و ليست مقتصرة على العالم الغربي و هناك معلومات باللغة الانجليزية بشكل مهول بحيث ان العالم العربي غير ملم بها. جئنا بهذه القناة لأرضاء العالم العربي و رفع مستوى المعلومات لكل شخص عن أسلوب الحياة من جميع النواحي، النظافة و العناية الشخصية، الطعام الصحي، أسلوب و طريقة الملابس، كيف تحافظ على نفسك بحيث ملامح الشيخوخة لا تظهر عليك، الخ هدفنا أن نساعدك بأن تظهر و تشعر بطريقة رائعة كل يوم في حياتك، و أن ننشر الإيجابية في عالمنا المليء بالسلبية. تابعوني على: *********************************************** الانستجرام: WesamLifeStyle الفيسبوك: Fitness Arabia سناب شات: WesamLifeStyle *********************************************** ما تنسوا تشتركوا بالقناة و تعملوا لايك و شير V3NKGD
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I dedicated this channel to upload videos of my own production to talk about any possible topic related to fitness. Topics range from exercises tutorials an right techniques, rehab exercises, body posture fixing techniques, stretching & strengthening, yoga, meditation, nutrition tips, healthy food recipes …etc. Qualifications: -Certified CrossFit Trainer @Crossfit Crescent, Amman, Jordan - Certified CrossFit Trainer (CFL3), 2018 - CrossFit Gymnastics Specialty Course, 2018 - CrossFit Weightlifting Specialty Course, 2017 - CrossFit - L2, 2016 - CrossFit - L1, 2015 - Clinical Orthopedic Therapeutic Massage Workshop, Jump Academy, 2017 - Sports Medicine Course, Jump Academy, 2016 - International Personal trainer, IFPA, 2015 - Yoga& Nafas Program, Harakeh Institute, 2015 - 10 Years of Experience in Architecture & Design fields. - B.Sc. in Architecture, German-Jordanian University, 2011