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في بعض الأحيان تأتي أفضل الأشياء في الحياة من أسوأ المواقف... إصابتي في الركبة والعملية التي تبعتها بضع سنوات من إعادة التأهيل عرفتني إلى عالم رياضة "✨البلاتيس✨PILATES✨" الرائع! عزيزتي ، "PILATIPS" هي نافذتك إلى هذه الرياضة: 💪🏻🙆🏻♀️ تمارين كلاسيكية و مدموجة 💯😊 ليبدأ وقت اللياقة البدنية و المرح .................................................. لا تنسي الاشتراك في القناة وتفعيل زر الجرس للحصول على كل جديد إذا أعجبك الفيديو ، فالرجاء نشره لمساعدة الآخرين على الاستفادة منه أيضًا ................................................ Sometimes the best things in life come out of the worst situations… My knee injury and operation followed by the endless couple of rehab years introduced me to the magical world of ✨PILATES✨! Ladies, “PILATIPS ” is your window into this fantastic discipline: 💪🏻🙆🏻♀️Classical & fusion exercises Let the FIT and FUN time begin ☺️💯 .................................................... Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE the movies you like!
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Carmen is regarded as one of the top experts in etiquette and protocol with a huge following and a highly interactive approach to training and education. Her passion for this field, professional experience as an educator, extensive training and certifications from the most reputed international organizations gives Carmen an edge over her peers. Over time Carmen developed a passion for etiquette and protocol and traveled around the world to become an internationally certified consultant, coach and trainer. Carmen currently delivers various workshops for corporates, one to one training sessions for individuals, as well as group interactive sessions for adults and youth, in Lebanon and the gulf. Carmen has been interviewed by and has appeared as a regular guest on local and International news stations, newspapers and radios most notably OTV, LBC, Radio Middle East (Montreal, CA), Annahar, Aljamhouria, NBN, Voix du Liban, and many others.
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Hi there :D I am Rihab a Digital Marketer and a Business consultant. Thru years I have helped hundreds of people starting their own online business or developing their existing one, and I was fortunate to witness many success stories and be a part of them. My goal is to help you create a sustainable business that you can count on. A solid business that can live for years! I don't believe in creating hit and run businesses, I believe in creating well-established solid businesses and this is what I intend to help you with. I provide multiple services (including private 1 to 1 coaching) to help you out, you can check all of them on my website. In this channel, I share with you videos that will help you in running and improving your business!
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John is a Human Development Consultant, trainer, performance coach, motivational speaker, entrepreneur, teacher, researcher, writer and organizational development specialist. His experience is built on having consulted, trained, and coached over 200 companies in 16 industries on 3 continents. John has spent over 17 years extensively researching Human Behavior within organizations in the areas of Cultural Engineering, Leadership, Communication, Sales, Service & Body Language. His passion to help accelerate human performance & enhance culture has made him a leader in the training and speaking industry. John received multiple awards and certificates of recognition for excellence in performance from breaking national sales records 3 years in a row, to training, coaching and developing over 25,000 individuals in Europe and the MENA region alone. Being blessed with a multi-cultural background, John’s sensitivity to the beliefs, values, behavior, psycho-linguistic and the nuances of the ma
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I’m Rita Lamah, and I’ll be your host. As a woman, a wife, mother, and fashion stylist, I look forward to sharing with you a range of videos with the latest tips and tricks. Whether it’s a styling session, thoughts on fashion, beauty, food and fitness, parenting issues, or lifestyle issues we all deal with as women, this platform is here for you! أنا ريتا لمع وسأكون مضيفتكم ، كامرأة، أم ، زوجة ، وأخصائية بالموضة ، أتتطلع لمشاركتكم مجموعة من أشرطة الفيديو تتضمن أحدث النصائح. جلسات تتعلق بالتصميم، أفكار عن الموضة، الجمال، الطعام واللياقة البدنية ، مواضيع تتعلق بكم كأهل أو مواضيع تتعلق بنمط الحياة، نتعامل معها كنساء، جميعها في هذا المكان المخصص لكم.
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With over 20 years of experience as a professional Athlete, and participated in 3 Olympics, held the records of 100, 200 & 400 meters sprint in Lebanon & in the Pan Arab region, I learned the secrets of training efficiently and now ready to reveal you my secrets. Subscribe to my channel and find weekly workout videos and healthy food recipes. FREE workout programs with train-along videos on my channel that will help you lose belly fat, and tone every single muscle in your body for a new sexy you!
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So7i W Sari3” managed and directed by Monique Bassila Zaarour, an umbrella title for endless nutrition projects, among them: - A successful chain of 5 diet clinics all over Lebanon with a group of experienced and well-trained dietitians who followed an intensive training with Monique - A healthy cookbook which endorses nutritionally complete and balanced home-made meals with more than 400 Lebanese, Arabic and international recipes named “So7i W Sari3” in Arabic and “Monique’s Cuisine” in English - A reputable weekly radio program in Lebanon on Jaras Scoop FM - A leading healthy cooking TV show in the Arab world - "La kil Wazn 7keye" healthy lifestyle book that summarizes Monique's twenty years of clinical experience - An interactive website where professional experience with diet and food is shared - An attractive Facebook page where our fans communicate with us directly about all their nutrition-related concerns - An educational wellness day for schools and companies.