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Sohad saad In love with health My goal is to spread positivity Age:17 I am from lebanon Instagram: igshid=10snm5q7dldgy I follow all the recipes of healthy food ❥━─➸➽❥fit❥━─➸➽❥ أنا بنت عمري ١٦ من أنا و صغيرة كنت عاني من سمنة بس مع الإصرار و العزيمة قدرت إنزل ٣٥ كيلو بفترة ١٠ أشهر و هلق صرت جاهزة لأنشر تجربتي مع كامل حبي بالرغم من وجود ترهلات ببعض المناطق إلا أنو هنا بيعطوني القوة و بعتبر هل شي من أهم الإنتصارات و بتمنى المحتوى يلي رح إنشروا يكون مفيد و مسلي بنفس الوقت بحبكن كتيير ما تنسوا الإشتراك بالقناة و اتفعلوا الجرس لتكبر عيلتنا أكتر و أكتر و كتير بهمني تعطوني رأيكن عن المحتوى بالتعليقات و تدعموني بلايك Note:إذا حابين تعرفوا أكتر عن رحلتي بإنقاص الوزن تركواي بالتعليقات #دعموني #صحة #تحدي التغير #حب #كبرو عيلتنا #الإشتراك #لايك بلشي معي تحدي التغير 🤚🏻🤚🏻🤚🏻🤚🏻 ما في شي مستحيل Lets do it girlllll any question i am ready to answer just leave it in the comments
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So7i W Sari3” managed and directed by Monique Bassila Zaarour, an umbrella title for endless nutrition projects, among them: - A successful chain of 5 diet clinics all over Lebanon with a group of experienced and well-trained dietitians who followed an intensive training with Monique - A healthy cookbook which endorses nutritionally complete and balanced home-made meals with more than 400 Lebanese, Arabic and international recipes named “So7i W Sari3” in Arabic and “Monique’s Cuisine” in English - A reputable weekly radio program in Lebanon on Jaras Scoop FM - A leading healthy cooking TV show in the Arab world - "La kil Wazn 7keye" healthy lifestyle book that summarizes Monique's twenty years of clinical experience - An interactive website where professional experience with diet and food is shared - An attractive Facebook page where our fans communicate with us directly about all their nutrition-related concerns - An educational wellness day for schools and companies.
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Jessica Khudeida is a Feng Shui master consultant, life coach ( Minor in Psychology) and Wellness coach ( certified in natural medicine / complementary therapies such as Aromatherapy, Ayurveda Nutrition , Naturopathy & more ..) based Beirut, Lebanon . Founder of '' Qi Mapping'' by Jessica Khudeida, consultancy & coaching services. series of past interviews & weekly Tv segments presented, prepared by Jessica 2007- present Jessica speaks english, french, arabic and spanish. email : , [email protected], [email protected] www.jessicakhudeida.comJessica Khudeida is a Feng Shui master consultant, life coach ( Minor in Psychology) and Wellness coach ( certified in natural medicine / complementary therapies such as Aromatherapy, Ayurveda Nutrition , Naturopathy & more ..) based Beirut, Lebanon . Founder of '' Qi Mapping'' by Jessica Khudeida, consultancy & coaching services. series of past interviews & weekly Tv segments presented, prepared by Jessica 2007- present Jessica speaks english, french, arabic and spanish. email : , , [email protected] www.jessicakhudeida.comJessica Khudeida is a Feng Shui master consultant, life coach ( Minor in Psychology) and Wellness coach ( certified in natural medicine / complementary therapies such as Aromatherapy, Ayurveda Nutrition , Naturopathy & more ..) based Beirut, Lebanon . Founder of '' Qi Mapping'' by Jessica Khudeida, consultancy & coaching services. series of past interviews & weekly Tv segments presented, prepared by Jessica 2007- present Jessica speaks english, french, arabic and spanish. email : , ,
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في بعض الأحيان تأتي أفضل الأشياء في الحياة من أسوأ المواقف... إصابتي في الركبة والعملية التي تبعتها بضع سنوات من إعادة التأهيل عرفتني إلى عالم رياضة "✨البلاتيس✨PILATES✨" الرائع! عزيزتي ، "PILATIPS" هي نافذتك إلى هذه الرياضة: 💪🏻🙆🏻♀️ تمارين كلاسيكية و مدموجة 💯😊 ليبدأ وقت اللياقة البدنية و المرح .................................................. لا تنسي الاشتراك في القناة وتفعيل زر الجرس للحصول على كل جديد إذا أعجبك الفيديو ، فالرجاء نشره لمساعدة الآخرين على الاستفادة منه أيضًا ................................................ Sometimes the best things in life come out of the worst situations… My knee injury and operation followed by the endless couple of rehab years introduced me to the magical world of ✨PILATES✨! Ladies, “PILATIPS ” is your window into this fantastic discipline: 💪🏻🙆🏻♀️Classical & fusion exercises Let the FIT and FUN time begin ☺️💯 .................................................... Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE the movies you like!
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If you have reached this page, Smile, your search ends here. This channel is about teaching various math topics for different grade levels. The videos are simple, interactive,totally free, and accessible to all students. subscribe and enjoy💞 Any donation can help, and is highly appreciated
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I am a professional Calisthenics/Street Workout Athlete. Founder of The Lebanese Calisthenics Academy. I teach and help people to achieve their fitness goals and dreams through this amazing sport. I organize and Judge the Lebanese Street Workout National Championships. My main goal is to make this sport popular in Lebanon and to grow the calisthenics movement/community. Currently I am focusing more on StreetLifting (Weighted Calisthenics) adding extra weights on my bodyweight to make the exercise harder and more challenging. The benefits of training weighted calisthenics are numerous (Gain strength, muscle mass..) I make tutorial videos; workout routines for all levels (Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced) I upload motivational training videos for you guys to get motivated and start training calisthenics. I also upload vlogs so you can see some details in trainings and my lifestyle. I am a member of the World Street Workout and Calisthenics Federation (WSWCF) Representing Lebanon.
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Dr Sandrine Atallah is a consultant in psychosexual medicine and a medical hypnotherapist. Dedicated to spread sexual awareness, she was the Co-editor and Co-host of a TV show called Lezim Taaref at LBCI. She is the editor and the host of a podcast called Hakeh Sareeh . She co-founded Metle Metlik alongside Dr. Gael Abou Ghannam, a pioneering digital platform dedicated to the educational empowerment and support of Arab women in their sexual and reproductive health. Her clinical practice at La Clinique du Levant in Beirut, mainly includes medical treatment of sexual dysfunctions as well as sextherapy and sex counselling services to men, women and couples. الدكتورة ساندرين عطاالله متخصصة في الطب الجنسي، العلاج الجنسي والتنويم الإيحائي الطبي د. ساندرين معدة ومقدمة بودكاست حكي صريح التي يتناول الكثير من المواضيع الجنسية هي المؤسسة المشاركة لمنصة متلي متلك بالتعاون مع الدكتور غائل أبو غنام وتشمل ممارستها العيادية، بشكل أساسي، خدمات العلاج الجنسي والإستشارة الجنسية، للرجال والنساء