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Bio Conceptual Fitness© by Rafael Martínez es un sistema artísitico de trabajo físico y psíquico cuyo objetivo es potenciar desbloqueo, belleza y creatividad en el ser humano. Comprende los sistemas exclusivos: Aero Yoga®, Aero PIlates®, FakirYoga©, Swing Ayurveda© ,Yoga Facial Creativo© entre otros.
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Welcome to the Cabo Rojo Real Estate Channel, your quintessential gateway to the most captivating properties in one of Puerto Rico's most scenic coastal towns. Strategically positioned on the island's southwestern tip, Cabo Rojo boasts a blend of tranquil beaches, historical landmarks, and a thriving community spirit, making it a prime location for both residential and investment properties. Our channel is dedicated to illuminating the diverse real estate opportunities available in this radiant region. From elegant beachfront villas with panoramic ocean views to contemporary townhouses nestled in the heart of the town, we offer viewers an immersive experience into the heart of Cabo Rojo's property landscape. Each video provides an in-depth exploration of properties, showcasing intricate architectural details, unique design features, and the surrounding vistas.
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Chamo Training System es una comunidad que celebra la vida positiva y saludable. Combinamos la salud y el entrenamiento para construir programas de transformación personalizadas destinadas a ayudar a las personas a lograr sus objetivos. Presentamos temas relacionados a la salud, medicina, nutrición, ejercicios y motivación para todas las edades. El Dr. Ricardo Guerrero cuenta con la experiencia de más de 15 años como entrenador personal, atleta, fisiculturista y médico fisiatra esta comprometido a elevar el nivel de conciencia de las personas en cuanto a su perspectiva de salud y apariencia física. Asimismo, se reitera en su compromiso de difundir el mensaje de que la mejor medicina es la prevención y que la salud se encuentra en el peso corporal adecuado.
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#Automotiverecruitment,salespeople,internet salespeople,BDC,auto sales managers,Service advisers. AutoMax Recruiting and Training #AutoMaxrecruiting is in fact a collection of talented, passionate car people, that work in a synergistic manner to provide car dealerships in the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico with "committed, well trained salespeople, with no bad habits." #Autohires AutoMax assists all car dealerships large and small, urban or rural, franchised dealers and independents, with the right people to hire. We recruit, screen, interview and train floor salespeople, internet salespeople, BDC personnel, service advisers, managers, and every other position at the dealership. AutoMax Recruiting and Training has conducted nearly 14,000 of these hiring and training campaigns and trained over 135,000 people!