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Hello everyone,welcome to my channel Fitness Drive with Alla. I am from Ukraine! Get ready to take your fitness to the next level with Fitness Drive with Alla! Our channel is all about empowering you to be your best self. Whether you're looking to build strength, lose weight, or just feel better in your body, we've got you covered. Всім привіт,вітаю на моєму каналі Fitness Drive with Alla.Я з України! Готуйтеся підняти свій рівень фітнесу на новий ступінь з "Fitness Drive with Alla"! Наш канал спрямований на те, щоб допомогти вам розвивати свої можливості та бути кращою версією себе. Незалежно від того, чи хочете ви набрати м'язову масу, скинути зайву вагу або просто почуватися краще у своєму тілі - ми маємо все необхідне для цього.
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channel for your health. Physical culture and sport. Useful exercises. Fitness, yoga, martial arts. Канал вашого здоров’я. Фізкультура і Спорт. Корисні вправи. Фітнес, йога, єдиноборства. Канал вашего здоровья. Физкультура и Спорт. Полезные упражнения. Фитнес, йога, единоборства.
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Hello there, we are from Ukraine. Would you like to be healthy? Would you like to have a strong body? Would you like to look attractive? If yes, welcome to our channel! We are going to introduce you the old bodybuilding system. Alex is 61 years old now and he is online personal trainer from Ukraine. For many years he has been building his body with barbells, dumbbells, horizontal bar and many other trainers. So we are also going to show you all exercises and methods, which he used to train his students for 40 years of coaching practice. We will also show you many real people whom Alex trained online. Many of them have serious health problems at start. And now all of them have become the best version of themselves. Long time ago Alex served in the Soviet Army in Afghanistan. You’ve heard about that terrible war in Afghanistan, haven’t you? In the army Alex studied different military fighting styles and had a good chance to check them out in real situations.
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My name is Olya and this channel is all about my healthy journey! What you can expect to see here : ⁃ Regular workouts and stretching videos ⁃ Healthy meals recipes ⁃ My tips on how to live a healthier and happier life ⁃ Motivation and inspiration ⁃ Wellness habits What is the purpose? I choose to be healthy. To be in a good mood. To care about my mind and thoughts. To be open for opportunities. To live free from addictions. To have a good shape. To be productive. To love myself. To let go of negativity & stress. To live with a beautiful mindset. To live a fuller and a brighter life. To be grateful. In a long-term perspective I intend to increase the quality and the duration of my life. But it’s a long way, it’s my lifelong journey. And I want to take you through it together with me ✨ Come join me and enjoy!