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SLAVYOGA - health and yoga is an author's project of doctor and yoga master Sergei Chernov, which is dedicated to human health, getting rid of pain in the body, theory and practice of yoga, human anatomy, myofascial release. The wellness method "SLAVYOGA - health and yoga" helps to restore the health of the musculoskeletal system in a short time and get rid of pain in the body. The structure of the methodology includes: - MPF (myofascial release) - the technology of working on massage rolls and balls to improve the condition of muscles and fascia; - health-improving method with a stick "Shanok" - exercises that restore natural mobility and health of joints, improve posture and coordination; - yoga exercises aimed at maintaining the health of the musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, nervous and other systems of the human body. 💙 THANKS FOR SUBSCRIBING THE CHANNEL!
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Namaskar! My name is Radhika (Natalia Chistyakova). I am glad to welcome you to my channel! Here you will find both educational yoga lessons of different levels, and motivational videos with demonstrations of extreme yoga asanas. If you want more for a donation, here are photos and videos on flexibility: If you want more yoga practice lessons and courses here: Donate. I have been practicing and teaching yoga since 2006. ▫ She studied yoga at the Cultural Center at the Embassy of India. ▫ Champion of Russia in yoga sports in the genre of "Artistic Yoga" (1st place). ▫ Audience Award at the World Championship in Yoga Sports. ▫ Leading master classes and seminars in Russia and abroad. ▫ I teach hatha yoga, vinyasa yoga for beginners and beginners, as well as women's practices. ▫ I teach classes in pranayama, sukshma-vyayama, meditation and yoga-nidra.
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Born and raised in Germany and Honduras, mantrasinger Julia Elena likes to combine the best of both worlds. She loves the combination of modern sounds and ancient mantras, building up a high energy vortex, where dreams become possible. Mantra means in Sanskrit, one of the oldest languages of mankind, manas = the mind and tram = protection, protect or instrument, so mind protection or an instrument of the mind. By repeating a mantra in the mind or whispered, spoken or sung, one keeps the mind "single-tracked" and focused. In this way, the positive effect and the energy, which is hidden in these sounds, short word sequences or names of God, can unfold and have a positive influence on body, mind and soul.
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MINDFULNESS TV – канал Снежаны Замалиевой и ее проекта Центр MindFulness Снежана Замалиева: ► Ведущий эксперт по mindfulness в России, ► Клинический психолог, кандидат философских наук, ► Квалифицированный преподаватель программы MBSR (University of Massachusetts Medical School | Center for Mindfulness), ► Региональный директор и тренер-фасилитатор международной корпорации Potential Project International, ► Преподаватель и супервизор Института Логотерапии Виктора Франкла (США), ► Президент Международного Фонда Культурных Инициатив Маэстро Темирканова, ► Спикер, автор. Центр MindFulness – это проект, созданный для того, чтобы вы могли освоить высокоэффективный научно обоснованный метод ментальной тренировки. БУДЕМ НА СВЯЗИ! Сайт Снежаны – Сайт Центра MindFulness –